Sunday, December 31, 2017

My Week in Review: 12/24/17-12/30/17

I read a couple of new to me authors that made me very happy.  I can't wait to read more in their respective series.  Can you believe the new year is upon us?  I am so excited for what 2018 will bring.

Here are the books I want to share with you today:

Zombie Road III: Rage on the Rails by David A Simpson 
5 Stars *****

The finale of the Zombie Road tale. It's been a month since the outbreak and the survivors of the zombie apocalypse have started a new life in a walled city. There are still a few enemies that need to be dealt with, the kind that can think and plan, and they can be more devastating than a horde of the undead.

The Foul Mouth and the Fanged Lady by Richard Raley
4 Stars ****

My name is King Henry Price.

Yes, really. Don’t blame Mom, she was already a little Anima Mad by the time I was born. See, world ain’t as simple as you mundanes think it is. Whole lot more complicated, whole lot more messy, whole lot more foul.

Got your Vampires, not the sparkly pretty boys you’re expecting from romance covers, but blood parasites living in a human shell. Just waiting to cut your skin open and suck you dry from the inside out. Got your Weres, not a hunk among them and gangsters and thugs every one, transform into whatever the idiot first made their Totem decided to sacrifice, be it coyote, wolf, tiger or even your momma’s Shih Tzu.

Last, you got your mancers. That’s my group of misfits and malcontents. I first heard of the Mancy when I was fourteen. Smiling blond woman came to recruit me and I was insistent I was going nowhere. But when she walked on through my locked bedroom door like it wasn’t there, even a jaded, pugnacious, teenage punk like King Henry Price had to give the sales pitch a second thought.

Got trained, seven years at the Institution of Elements, or the Asylum as the student body calls it. I’m a geomancer, special kind of geomancer called an Artificer even. After graduation I made a deal with that same recruiter and opened my own Artificer shop, making magical items of power for all comers, be they Were, Vampire, or Mancer.

What I didn’t sign up for was a vampire named Annie B coming into my shop and kidnapping me. Never trust the pretty ones, especially the pretty ones want to eat on you.

The Protector: Men of the North by Elin Peer - 4 Stars ****

400 years in the future, men are few and women rule the world.

Except for the area formerly known as Canada and Alaska, which is inhabited by the Men of the Northlands, a group of strong men, who refuse to be ruled by women.

Christina Sanders, an archeologist and professor in history, is fascinated with the past. As a modern woman of year 2437 she knows that women are better off without men, but longing for an adventure, she makes a spontaneous decision and volunteers for a job no one else wants. Now she’s going to lead an archeological excavation in the Northlands, the most secluded place on earth where the mythical males live who are rumored to be as brutal and dangerous as the men Christina has read about in her history books.

What will happen when Christina crosses into the men’s territory? Will they allow her to do her job and is there any way they’ll let her leave again – unharmed?

The Last War by Ryan Schow - 3 Stars ***

Would you let your husband die to save your daughter’s life?

San Francisco is collapsing. The McNamara family is scattered across a failing city. They’re riding the hard edge of a civilization facing extinction and they are far from safe. With the population in rapid decline, life is a death sentence. Not all is lost, though. The McNamara’s are an ingenious, resilient bunch who refuse to take the end of the world lying down.

Desperate to save her family, her life in constant peril, Saint Francis Memorial ER nurse, Cincinnati McNamara, is tackling a new, morally bankrupt reality. As the modern world crumbles before her eyes, she will fight for a husband who will stop at nothing to protect his family, a teenage daughter who will do anything to forget the horrors she’s survived, and a brother who is fresh out of the military and hardened by a war he just left behind.

Cornered in the killing fields, stuck between three evils and forced to fight, this once ordinary family will attempt the extraordinary: they’ll try to escape a world now backsliding into a nightmarish landscape more reminiscent of the stone ages than the once famed city by the bay.

I hope you are reading something wonderful.  I wish you all the best in the new year.

As always, thanks for stopping by,

1 comment:

Ajazgames said...
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